Race Course
- While we make every effort to ensure that the course is well marked and marshalled, running off-course, whether by runner error, course marking error, marshalling error or any other reason, is an inherent risk to an event of this type. It's the responsibility of the runners to study the course map and to follow the course markers. Racers must complete the entire course as marked
- Altering the course by not following the markers is against the rules and racers doing so will result in teams being disqualified from the standings
- Head phones are discouraged and must be used at a low enough volume to hear what's going on around you
- It is incumbent on the participant to be aware of and respect other trail users and park traffic at all times
- LBC has a 'NO CUPS Policy'. Runners will need to have a bottle or water bladder with you when at the check points to get water.
Refunds or transfers
- There are no refunds for any reason including event cancellation. The event will only be cancelled or postponed due to T8 or Black Rainstorm and Lantau Base Camp Ltd. will make every effort to reschedule the race to a later date. If the registrant can not make the rescheduled date, the registrant acknowledges that no refund will be granted.
- Transfers are possible through racematix.com till one week before the race day (until midnight 3 February 2018)
- Any transfer is subject to HK$100 transfer fee by racematix.com. Please email [email protected] for questions.
Participant Waiver
The registrants acknowledge participating at their own risk and hereby for themselves, heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims no matter how arising they may have as a result of having participated in this event including without limitation and negligence. They expressly confirm their understanding that the participation in this event is entirely at their sole risk and that the organizers and sponsors of the event, and their respective officers, employees, agents, and all volunteers or other persons engaged in the production of the event or other wise associated with it shall have no liability for any damages sustained by them or any injury or loss, including personal or property loss, which they might suffer.
They acknowledge that their image may be recorded (by video or photograph) during the events. They agree to the use of their name and image in broadcasts, newspapers, brochures, promotional material and other media without compensation.
Race Course
為了參賽選手的安全起見,下列行為在比賽中是不准許的 :
不建議在比賽中使用iPods, mp3s, walkmans, 及耳機,如需要,請將音量調製適中以便選手留意周圍發生的食事物;亦不建議帶寵物參加比賽。
選手將和其他遠足及越野單車人士一起使用越野徑。. Lantau Base Camp Ltd. 會盡最大努力保證選手的安全及通知相關機構及人士有關我們的比賽。尊重使用越野徑的其他的人士是選手义不容辞的责任,包括給其他人士讓路及當需要借過時請禮貌的通知越野徑上的其他人士。
比賽不設任何理由的退款,包括賽事在特殊情況下取消。本次賽事将只有在颱風T8或黑色暴雨警告下延遲或者取消。Lantau Base Camp 将尽一切努力来重新安排比赛的日期。如果選手不能在更改後的日期參賽,可以通過racematix.com轉讓參賽名額。但將不設退款将 。
2月11日凌晨前可以通過racematix.com轉讓參賽名額。隊長之外的選手可以免費轉讓名額。隊長的名額轉換需要收取100港幣。如有任何問題,請聯繫:[email protected]
為了保護我們的環境,LBC的比賽將不提供杯子,請選手務必隨身挾戴水杯,水壺或水袋(建議有1升的容積)。在芝麻灣區域,路況將起伏不止,選手們或因此而需要較長的時間通過這一區域,這也意味著可能會需要超過500毫升的 水分補給。
選手們為自願參加比賽並將自行承擔比賽時的風險。賽事組織者和赞助商,工作人员,雇员,代理人,所有的志愿者及其他相關人士將不承擔任何包括人身或财产损失等的 責任。